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The Top Two Recipes of the Moment
  1. Giant Chocolate Chip Cookies by Meun

    We like our chocolate chip cookies moist, chunky, and big - at least 3 inches across. A small ice cream scoop of dough will bake to about the right size.

    Image of meal

    Vegetarian » Other - Baking

    This recipe has 1 tip

  2. Brownies on the Rebound by maykel

    This is the best brownie recipe ever. Albeit on the rebound, for certain reasons not to be disclosed. Please mind yourself when melting the chocolate.

    Image of meal

    Vegetarian » Other - Baking

    This recipe has 1 tip

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On this page you can see recipes filed under Baking.

Other cuisines ..

Recipes that used to be really popular from the French cuisine